Open Line, Thursday

The Epiphany
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on the Epiphany. Can you help me understand the importance of Mary’s perpetual virginity? What did Joseph know about Mary? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Witness to the Incarnation
Where do Protestants get once saved always saved? Can I receive communion at a Russian Orthodox funeral liturgy? Does God have one mind and one consciousness, or does he have three? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on Christmas. What would you say to a physical determinist? Can you clarify just war theory? What are the attributes of God? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
John the Baptist
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on John the Baptist. Is it sacrilegious to test a consecrated host? How is John the Baptist like Elijah? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
The Three Comings in Advent
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on the Three Comings in Advent, Can I go to confession if I'm still going to be cohabitating after?, What opportunities are there for indulgences?, and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
The Two Judgements
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on the two judgements. At the final judgement, will people I sinned against know what I did? Does God give sufficient grace to everyone? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Belief in God in Civil Life
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on belief in God in civil life, and George Washington's original Thanksgiving proclamation, and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Heaven, Hell, and the Four Last Things
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on the Four Last Things, specifically Heaven and Hell. Is it a mortal sin to vote for a politician who supports abortion? If Jesus is in Heaven, how is he also in the Eucharist? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Synodal Challenges according to Cardinal Meuller
Fr. Brian discusses Synodal Challenges according to Cardinal Meuller. Is it a sin to vote for abortion? Is grace always conferred during the Sacrament of Confirmation? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
November the Month of the Church
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on November being the month of the Church, Aquinas asserts that an infinite series can not exist, that there must be a first cause. In math, there can be infinite series. Does this disprove Aquinas’ theory? Where does an atheist who is a good person go after they die? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on faith. How do we as Catholics understand the Wrath of God? How is the Eucharist propitiatory? How can I explain the Eucharist as a sacrifice? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Revelation and Evangelization
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on Revelation and Evangelization. How do we know divine revelation is true? What do we do when experiencing spiritual warfare? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on courage. How can I understand the seemingly wrath-filled God of the Old Testament and the merciful Jesus of the New Testament? Why does Jesus refer to himself as the Son of Man? and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
The Rosary
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on the Rosary, Why are there no female deacons?, What should we believe about Adam and Eve?, and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.
Fr. Brian gives us a lesson on the angels, What was the mark of Cain?, Are there any apparitions of archangels outside of the Bible?, and more on today's Open Line with Fr. Brian Mullady.