Gospels Controversial
Gospels Controversial
<"Matthew wrote the oracles [>i.e<., the sayings of Jesus] in the Hebrew language, and every man translated them as he was able.">
Papias, quoted by Eusebius,
It has traditionally been held in the Church that the four Gospels were written by two of Jesus' 12 original disciples, Matthew and John , and by two "disciples of disciples," Mark and Luke , the disciples respectively of Peter and Paul . And, because the lives of each of these writers were limited to the first century, it has been held that all four Gospels were written within two generations after the crucifixion of Jesus, that is, between about 30 A.D. and 90 A.D., and no later. It has also been held that they were written in the following order: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, just as we have them in the New Testament.
This tradition was based on fairly persuasive evidence: 1) the witness of very early
authors, like Eusebius in his
Starting about 150 years ago in Germany, however, revisionist scholars began to question both the authorship and the dating of these Gospels.
The Gospels were not by the actual individuals Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, these
scholars argued, but by "schools" or "communities" inspired by disciples of those
names. There were "intermediate texts," the scholars said, like the hypothetical "Q,"
from the German word "
In recent decades, however, there has been a "revision of the revision." A number of scholars have come to believe that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John may, indeed, have written their Gospels, and may have written them at a very early date. The precise dates continue to be in dispute, but scholars like the Anglican Bishop John Robinson have gone so far as to say that all the Gospels were likely written prior to the year 70 A.D., when Jerusalem was destroyed. This has caused a furor in scholarly circles, as it has suggested that much of the scholarship of the previous century was in error in its insistence that there are "layers of development" in the Gospels which required decades of time to emerge.
At the same time, another danger has arisen: that of an anti-scholarly, fundamentalist attitude among Catholics which rejects all biblical criticism as hazardous to the faith.
This would be as much of a mistake as the critical attitude which it opposes. Scholarship has its legitimate purpose, and must pursue truth on the basis of the evidence it finds.
Thus, a great deal is at stake in the debate over the authorship and dating of the Gospels, and we intend to follow this debate closely in the months and years ahead.
-Robert Moynihan
This article was taken from "Inside the Vatican."
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